DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-64-68
This article explains the necessity of formation of the research competence of future teachers in the course of subject training in geography, which takes place directly in the process of student research activities. Analyzes the competence approach to the definition of a number of key competencies of modern specialists. Considers different definition of the term “research competence”, its structure, identifies difficulties in the development of competence. The structure of research competence contains basic components: motivation (the sum of the interests, motivations, needs, aimed at implementing research abilities), cognitive (the amount of geographical knowledge, the ability to use this knowledge to solve research problems, the body of knowledge, methods and means of research activity), activity (readiness for the implementation of research activities, the ability to perform research activities and reflection). In our study, research competence in the subject preparation of a future geography teacher, is understood as a complex of research knowledge and skills of teachers needed for the organization of their research in the choice of means and educational technologies in the construction of educational activities. Changing the objectives and content of teacher training in the conditions of modern education requires the creation of specific conditions for the inclusion of future teachers in research activities.
Keywords: research, research activities, reseach competence, сompetence approach
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 64 — 68
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