DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-69-74
Children’s creative potential realized most fully if the educational process is carried beyond the scope of traditional training. Content and presentation of teaching material promotes the formation of students’ positive motivation forearning. Positive students’ motivation is created by the variety in the objective educational process through the use of different types of games from business role-plays to simulation. The article presents the results of introduction and adaptation of interactive associative board games into educational process when studying ecological disciplines on the example of the Federal State Educational Institutions of Higher Education “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University”. With the help of associations it is possible not only to remember the information with the first attempt, but also to keep it in the long-term memory. The proposed variant of the game is built on the basis of the most successful ideas of the famous computer and board games with the addition of some new, original teaching materials. Application of this approach to training significantly stimulated assimilation of a training material, especially the glossary on the set subject. The proven effectiveness of the use of associateive games expressed in the increase of educational motivation of students and consequently in the quality of education. It is revealed through the diagnosis of learning motivation of 125 students of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University that the communicative motives took the first place 66.9%, the second place 62.7 % - educational and informative ones. Adaptation of the proposed method in the training contributed to the formation of such qualities in students as independence and communication in making and justifying the decisions. The method is suitable for studying all disciplines and ability levels of students.
Keywords: training, method, interactivity, game, associations, ecology
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 69 — 74
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