DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-87-92
The article discusses the problem of integrating separate competencies of a modern engineer into a coherent system, which is regarded as professional competence. A literature review shows that there exist different definitions of this notion and different competences are included in its structure. The role of the foreign language professional communicative competence in this system has been determined. The author suggests that the foreign language professional communicative competence of an engineer should be regarded as a complicated integrative concept including professional and communicative skills. Professional competence is described as an integral part of the foreign language communicative competence of an engineer because professional communication is hardly possible without professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, it should be formed together with linguistic, sociocultural, strategic and discourse competences. The idea of the present article is that professional competence of an engineer manifests itself in the process of communication through these competences. The distribution of professional skills over traditional constituents of foreign language communicative competence is presented. This proves that the discipline “Foreign Language” has a potential for developing professional skills of engineering students. Taking integrative nature of the target competence into account in the process of teaching and learning is a condition of successful implementation of competency-based approach in higher education.
Keywords: engineer, competence, foreign language, higher education, professional communication
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 87 — 92
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