DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-93-97
Currently, the most crucial social order is to prepare specialists with a number of professional and general cultural competencies. The ability for lifelong learning is one of them. It implies, firstly, the presence of skills to surf the surrounding information, secondly, selectively choosing the professionally significant material and, finally, sharing it in situations requiring precise solutions. Due to the avalanche of information and communication technologies in our up-to date life, students have a great possibility to satisfy their specific interests in the process of individual reading in a foreign language. Within it, the professionally-oriented foreign language reading skills are posed to be essential in the global network. Thus, the main goal of the present paper is to describe the teaching methodology of professionallyoriented foreign language reading, developed and based on the theoretical research results. The established methodology of teaching includes four main blocks: basis (the aim and objectives set), methodology (education approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions establishment), content (speech and language material work out) and result (the list of developing skills). These blocks determine the substantive and structural side of learning. The observed conditions were reflected in the electronic tutorial aimed at reading skills’ developing (roughly-referential, assign-informative, produce-informative) to work with professional texts in the technical university. The effectiveness of the proposed method is clarified and evaluated in the consistent steps of education that supply and model every next stage. As the result, the illustrated methodology provides appropriate pedagogical conditions for efficient teaching and studying.
Keywords: electronic tutorial, professionally-oriented reading, foreign language learning, methodology, technical university students
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 93 — 97
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