DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-98-105
In the article we discuss the problem of formation and evaluation of pedagogical competences in the field of preschool foreign language education. Modern educational companies are in need of flexible and constantly developing teachers. The technology of portfolio is shown as one of the effective technologies which allows us to collect and structure all the information about the development of pedagogical competences. The teacher’s portfolio consists of a teacher questionnaire, English placement test, individual plan, project, teacher’s characteristics and selfreflection. It also helps to evaluate a teacher at any period of her or his professional development. The sources of evaluation are supervisors’ feedback, parents’ feedback and self-reflection. We distinguish four main pedagogical competences in the field of preschool foreign language education. They are communicative competences, informative competences, organizational competences and creative activity. We also formulate the requirements according to the three-level system of formation of the main pedagogical competences and the criteria of evaluation for each of three levels. The level «I know» means teachers understand the importance of self-development and they learn new skills. The level «I can» means teachers practice new skills at their lessons. The level «I can teach» means teachers can share their experience with colleagues.
Keywords: professional development, preschool education, competences, foreign language teacher, portfolio, training, supervision, self-reflection
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 98 — 105
Downloads: 997