DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-106-109
This paper is about the necessity of forming multilingual competence of student during the internalization of Universities. To possess multilingual competence means to be familiar with two or more foreign languages, know national and cultural differences, peculiarities of countries and their industrial features. Because of different forms of internalization a lot of students from different countries have the opportunity to come for studying to Universities. In this case not only the knowledge of foreign languages facilitates the most comfortable adaptation of foreign students in new environment, but also the activity of regional ethnic organizations, contributing to the development of tolerance and empathy towards representatives of foreign states. In Republic of Tatarstan Assembly of Foreign Students works successfully, directing activities of studentsʹ groups, organizing different kinds of events of interest, positively influencing multicultural and multilingual interaction and communication. Good knowledge of foreign languages, understanding of the linguistic features of a foreign culture, and also psychological readiness for intercultural dialogue, these are key components of multilingual and multicultural competence of students, which directly affects the level formation of common cultural competencies of students. Multilingual simplifies the process of Universities internalization because of the activities of its internal resource when the staff and students can take part in different international scientific and practical conferences, apply to various grants and become participants of numerous academic mobility programs. It is very good not only for the University status in educational top list, but also for person, developing sociological, cognitive and psychological knowledge and skills.
Keywords: Internationalisation, multilingualism, multiculturalism, mobility programmes, foreign language competency
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 106 — 109
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