DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-126-130
The article deals with necessity of university complexes establishment which allows to form innovative infrastructure and create educational programs to the needs of the real economy and its science-based, high-technology sector. The phenomenon of the university complex involves establishing creative environment for real innovation process combined with the training of a new generation personnel with innovative skills. Managers, professors, scholars, Ph.D. candidates, students, representatives of companies and project organizations who are included in the environment use innovative thinking in all professional and personal processes. Countries with developed economy prove that advantages of innovation-based development are increasing competitive advantage of national economy and settle social and economic issues. Shows the experience of the university complex establishment in several Siberian regions as a model of interaction between labor market and education market in the processes of labour force reproduction for industry. For universities responding to regional challenges means moving to the role of the active subject of formation and implementation of regional economy, including: formation of regional strategy of socioeconomic development; formation and realization of large investment projects on the basis of private-public partnership; scientific-educational outcomes supply for the region (innovation projects and project teams for their implementation), etc. University, which is developed according to the model of the university complex, responds to the challenges of modern socio-economic development of the region. Therefore the university complex is a vital institutional mechanism which is provided with priorities, objectives, projects and resources.
Keywords: innovative thinking, market for services, labour force reproduction, university complex, effective training
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 126 — 130
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