DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-136-142
The paper presents the substantiation for restorative and preventive training in the structure of the sports training. The substantiation is based on the identified prerequisites and theoretical grounds, developed by the author: goal; objectives; pedagogical, psychological, medico-biological means of restoration and prophylaxis; theoretical and practical contents of multiyear sports training of athletes. The principles developed are interconnected and interdependent on theoretical and methodical levels. They complement and synergize each other. The substantiation provided extends and complements the understanding of the structure of the sports training aspects. At present the theory and methods of sports distinguishes the following aspects of sports training: technical, tactical, psychological, intellectual, integral ones; general and special physical training. Each of them has its aims and special means and methods of implementation. The preset article provides scientific substantiation of the process of using restorative and preventive means of sports training and regards the process as an essential component of sports training, which is interconnected with other components of the training.
Keywords: restorative and preventive training, aspects of sports training, theoretical and methodical grounds, restorative and preventive means
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 136 — 142
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