DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-149-153
The article provides the results of scientific research in which the problem of social and professional adaptation of graduates of organizations of professional and craft education is solved. The author of the article created the methodological basis of the socializing approach to training of a craft profession allowing to strengthen a social role of the pedagogical system directed to forming and development of a value system and the social behavior inherent in handicraftsman-businessman. Presents the system of principles and provisions of the socializing approach to training of a craft profession which provides the managed socialization process. The system allows to develop and reform the system of professional education performing training of handicraftsman-businessman in different types of craft. The author states pedagogical conditions of planning of value-oriented pedagogical management which are the potential for further theoretical and applied researches in the field of professional socialization of various social groups. The process of socialization is shown as the sequence of stages, having passed which the pupil handicraftsman masters the social values and standards of behavior. For this purpose the author developed the concept of adjustment of curricula to the purposes of integration system and valuable and social role model of handicraftsmen entrepreneurs in social and pedagogical system of professional education. Considers the concept of adaptation of competence-based model of the master to a context of social and psychological activities.
Keywords: socializing approach, handicraftsman-businessman, system and valuable model, value-oriented management
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 149 — 153
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