DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-9-13
The article substantiates the relevance of the experimental study of the precedent world as a factor of evolution of media discource. As a precedent incentive regularly is performed by a creative person, as well as a precedent phenomena are the name of the author, the facts of his biography and, of course, texts, receiving precedential status in the secondary using. The author refers to the experiment, because the network space as a territory for linguistic experiments is used insufficiently actively. The purpose of the experiment is to trace the features of functioning of the Vladimir Vysotsky’s precedent world in modern media sphere through actualization of Vysotsky’s texts in the media community (in particular in the social networks). Pilot experiment held in social network Vkontakte showed that precedent’s world development provides multiplicity dialogical discursive reactions on the precedent texts. The experiment proved that precedent world of Vladimir Vysotsky is a part of the cognitive base of the members of the Harry Potter’s fans community. This fact allows the author to suppose that this precedent world is relevant not only to some highly specialized communities and subcultures in media environment but also in modern Russian media sphere as a whole, and because of the trends in a social network is known outside of the network space, can be developed in other environments, but the general direction of this development is reflected in the social networks as one of the places of existence of social consciousness.
Keywords: precedent world, media discource, pilot experiment, Vladimir Vysotsky
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 13
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