DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-18-24
The article analyzes figurative words and expressions that show the metaphorical character of dishes. The analysis is based on the theory of figurative language and combines the semasiological and cognitive approaches to the description of figurative language units that implement conceptual metaphorical and metonymic models through the system of their meanings. The motivating names for figurative words and expressions are 52 units including diminutives and word-formation: bottle, fork, spoon, mixer, bowl, knife, pepper, glass, plate, cup, etc. These names motivate 225 figurative lexical and phraseological units: “bochka” (very fat person), “kuvshinka” (waterlily), “kak myska” (about round and convex shape of something), “proyti kak nozh skvoz’ maslo” (easily, without difficulty), etc. Described figurative words and expressions represent metaphorical projection from the source-sphere “Dishes” to the 9 target-spheres (“Person”, “Artifacts”, “Nature facts”, “Social phenomena”, “Space” and others) associated with the figurative characteristic of the physical and non-material world, each of which is described in the article in detail. The greatest number of figurative words and expressions denote the phenomenon of reference to the following areas: “Person” (80 units), “Artifacts” (62 units), “Social phenomena” (46 units), “Nature facts” (16 units). The final part of the article is devoted to the lexicographic description of figurative vocabulary that reflects metaphorization of dishes in the Russian language and includes examples of dictionary entries.
Keywords: metaphorical picture of the world, figurative words and phraseology, food metaphor, metaphorical model, figurative representation, dictionary
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 18 — 24
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