DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-25-30
The vocative is considered as a very important element of epistolary discourse. This article is devoted to description of the vocatives in structural and semantic aspect in epistolary heritage feature of A. P. Chekhov. Letters of famous writers – an important source, which plays a big role for the study of personality and creativity of their authors, historical events, the characteristics of the era, as well as people who are close to them and familiar, with which they communicate. In this respect, a great interest is the epistolary heritage of the great Russian playwright Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. As the material for the analysis serve the letters written by the writer to the large audience for the period of 1890. In this correspondence the vocatives were analyzed, as the most interesting and revealing element of the original style of the great writer, and in particular important element of national and cultural heritage in general. The purpose of work is to examine the structure and the functions of vocatives used in Chekhov’s letters, to reveal their specific character in his correspondence. In the analysis of vocatives’ structure there have been allocated a group of extended and non-extended vocatives. The goup of words, which distribute the vocative is the adjectives. In this paper it has also been highlighted in the form of references in official business and personal correspondence of Chekhov. In the Chekhov’ correspondence the leading place is occupied by the personal writer’s letters. Summarizing the analysis, we can conclude that the vocatives in Chekhov’s letters generally perform two functions: the nominative and the characterization function, which shows the relationship between the author and the addressee.
Keywords: letters of A.P Chekhov, correspondence, vocative patterns, vocative function, addressee
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 25 — 30
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