DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-41-45
The authors consider the problem of lack of teachers’ design competences in the design and organization of inclusive educational space. Scientists define the problem as the shortage of forms and techniques that allow the teacher to achieve positive outcomes in inclusive education. Within the anthropological approach by means of humanitarian studies, the authors attempt to understand the subjects of organization of joint activity of teacher and students in an inclusive process. The article considers pedagogical possibilities of the use of dialogue in inclusive education. The authors demonstrate the ability of this form of joint activities to help students be implemented in inclusive learning to be successful within their individual capabilities. The authors discuss dialogue in interaction with other forms of cooperative activities (lesson assignment, lessonproblematization), describe an educational precedent for the use of dialogue in inclusive educational space. The authors present the content of the pilot training project, characterize the system of lessons on the study of the novel of F. M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and punishment” in the tenth grade. The project recorded the special role of the teacher in the dialogue. He is also a partner and an organizer of joint activities: that is, occupies an ambivalent position. This position is organized through pedagogical techniques such as card primary meanings, keywords, and algorithms activities. The dialogue is organized through various technologies: multimedia, games and problem-based learning. Their use allows the teacher to update the individual meanings of participants in inclusive education. The criterion of successful participation in the educational project is the development of subjectivity of students. A similar development is recorded in the framework of individual standards for each student involved in the educational project.
Keywords: dialogue, collaborative activity, inclusive education, the subjectivity of students
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 41 — 45
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