DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-46-58
In conditions of modern civilization with its characteristic trends towards globalization and informatization the sufficient level of native, non-native and foreign languages is required for the implementation of the important tasks of life (educational, professional, etc.). It is obvious that the media should be ready for appropriate and effective use of the resources of natural language, taking into account its linguocultural specificity. The solution of this task is subject to language training – carried out in the education system set of measures aimed at the development and improvement of language competence as a component of communicative competence of students, representing the level of development of their cognitive abilities and cultural content of the thesaurus. Language training usually begins with studying the development of norms, rules, grammatical structure of the native language, the formation of the skill of expression by means of oral and written language code, the ability to work with the text. Along with the improvement of linguistic competence in the use of the native language, further language training can be focused on the development of one or more foreign languages. The latter need to explain the requirements of the time, including the expansion of the social, economic and cultural contacts between the two countries, the inclusion of carriers in the global Internet communications. The article deals with the modern teaching technologies used in the practice of language training in order to increase the efficiency of formation and improvement of linguistic competence of both the Russian native speakers, and the inofons. The article presents the systematization and generalization of experience of professional activity of specialists – teachers, trainers and teachers of secondary and higher education, engaged in the teaching of the Russian language as a native, non-native and foreign language, as well as foreign languages in the regional educational institutions. As the material for the analysis mainly served the articles of the specified number of persons, published in the journal “Pedagogical Review” in 2013–2016.
Keywords: language training, language competence, pedagogical technology, the technological aspect of the methods of teaching, methods of teaching Russian as a native language, second language and foreign language, methods of teaching a foreign language
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43. Gorbunov A. G. Formirovaniye diskursivnoy inoyazychnoy kompetentsii kak innovatsionny komponent inoyazychnogo obrazovanya v vysshey shkole [Discursive foreign language competence formation as an innovative component of foreign language instruction at a higher education institution]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2014, no. 2 (4), pp. 46−50 (in Russian).
44. Bocharova T. I. Osobennosti estestvennoy rechi i metodicheskaya model’ obucheniya neprinuzhdennomu obshcheniyu studentov vuza [Features of natural speech and methodical model of teaching university students to spontaneous communication]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2014, no. 4 (6), pp. 60−66 (in Russian).
45. Kobeleva E. P. K voprosu o povyshenii effektivnosti kontekstnoy inoyazychnoy podgotovki ekonomistov v sisteme otraslevogo professionsl’nogo obrazovaniya [To the problem of increasing effi ciency of context foreign language teaching of students specializing in economics in the system of professional training]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2014, no. 3 (5), pp. 19−24 (in Russian).
46. Shpet E. N. Soderzhaniye i osobennosti organizatsii uchebnoy migratsii studentov Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta (na primere akademicheskogo obmena v gosudarstvenny universitet im. Shakarima, g. Semipalatinsk) [Content and peculiarities of the organization of Tomsk State Pedagogical University students study migration (as exemplifi ed in the academic exchange performed by State University named after N. A. Shakarim, Semipalatinsk)]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2014, no. 3 (5), pp. 34−37 (in Russian).
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50. Nikitina L. A. Innovatsionnoye razvitiye obrazovaniya kak usloviye izmeneniya zadach metodicheskoy podgotovki studentov v pedagogicheskom vuze [Innovative development of education as a condition for change in the tasks of methodical training of students at pedagogical university]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2014, no. 2 (4), pp. 14−19 (in Russian).
51. Pozdeeva S. I., Obskov A. V. Obosnovaniye kompleksa pedagogicheskikh usloviy interaktivnogo obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku v tekhnicheskom vuze [Explanation of the main educational conditions of interactive teaching a foreign language at technical higher school]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2016, no. 1 (11). pp. 92−97 (in Russian).
52. Mineeva O. A., Daricheva M. V. Organizatsiya testirovaniya v sisteme moodle pri obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku [The organization of testing in the moodle system in teaching foreign languages]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2016, no. 3 (13). pp. 81−86 (in Russian).
53. Pyanykh E. G. Ispol’zovaniye tekhnologiy distantsionnogo obucheniya pri rabote s magistrantami [The use of distance learning technologies when working with candidates for master’s degree]. Nauchno-pedagogichescoe obozrenie − Pedagogical Review, 2015, no. 1 (7). pp. 38−42 (in Russian).
54. Artemenko N. A., Belogurov S. V. Ob osobennostyakh organizatsii protsessa formirivaniya informatsionnoy kompetentnosti budushchego spetsialista [Some features of the organization process of formation of information competence of the future expert]. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye − Pedagogical Review, 2014, no. 1 (3). pp. 13−18 (in Russian).
Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 46 — 58
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