DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-87-92
The article is devoted to the research of autobiographical miniature stories of the modern writer Angelika Sumbayeva. Classical works (M. Bakhtin, L. Ginzburg etc.) give the ideas of typological signs of poetics of autobiographical prose of the childhood which are observed in A. Sumbayeva’s prose: psychologism, retrospective view, lyrical modality of the narration caused by the attitude of the storyteller towards the hero. At the same time the volume of a miniature causes features of A. Sumbayeva’s prose: laconicism of descriptions, accuracy in selection of details; transfer of psychological state through nuance, details. The article alalyses in detail the cycle of the stories published in 2010 in the magazine for children “A Yellow Caterpillar” and built according to calendar chronology (winter, spring, summer). In miniature stories the features of art space come to light (including, the use of attributive features of the Siberian region, its climatic originality), functions of gesture, nuance, phrases in the transfer of a psychological portrait of characters, narrative techniques which form the author’s attitude towards the autobiographical character (for example, use of the narration in third person, but transfer of attitude of the child associating reality with the fantastic world through the direct speech). In miniatures there is an image of the natural world of Siberia in general, and the autobiographical image appears as typical, given in circumstances, recognizable, familiar to the Siberian reader. Miniatures of Angelica Sumbayeva recreate the world of childhood as a harmonious, open to the new, capable to take a miracle to transform the ordinary into the world of fairy tales.
Keywords: children’s and youth literature, Siberian writers and poets, A. Sumbaeva, autobiographical prose about childhood
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 87 — 92
Downloads: 945