DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-93-96
Modern Tomsk author Tatyana Efremovna Meyko writes in the genre of philosophical stories, continuing the tradition of Hans Christian Andersen, Konstantin Ushinsky, Arkadiy Gaidar, Valentin Kataev. The fairytale “Zernyshko” is considered as a phenomenon of “common” literature that is aimed on the one hand at an adult and on the other hand at a child. On the level of plot the tale is clear to children. Rich intertextual formation (allusions to mythology, the Bible, folklore and literature) is designed for the understanding of the problem of choice of life for more prepared readers. The ways of creating images of characters (names, characteristics of speech, their relationship with the world, transmitted via spatial characteristics) are analyzed in this article. In the spatial organization of tales the opposition “top – bottom” is important and the way is the topos. The hero of the tale is able to overcome obstacles, to look for answers to questions, to move forward. Using references to the Bible, world literature, Т. Meyko connects the image of the grain with the semantics of eternal renewal, the triumph of life over death. Т. Meyko uses the techniques of attracting attention of the listener (issues treatment), typical tales formula. In addition, she imbues the text with poetic metaphors, which gives the narrative a lyrical tone.
Keywords: modern children’s literature, Siberian literature, prosaic short story, philosophic-poetical fairy tale, T. Meyko
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 93 — 96
Downloads: 976