DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-102-107
The article is devoted to the research of methods of creation of art space in S.K. Danilov’s story fairy tale. The real space representing a corner under the ladder of the old wooden house is transformed in the character’s imagination into the special fantastic world, in which the fragments of memoirs and unsystematized data on the world around are weaved. Adventures of the character are connected with movement in space, overcoming barriers, that is characteristic of the folklore fairy tale. The character seeks to order the surrounding chaos of the spatial objects which resist ordering: fantastic space is imitative, and its structurization is impossible by the principles of the real world. The space is directly connected with the character creating by means of her imagination of the whole world inhabited by magic beings and having recognizable fantastic topoi (kissel swamps, dairy rivers), realities of the modern world (an old shed, Tverskaya Street). In consciousness of the child they are allocated with fantastic functions. The space of the Country corresponds to archetypical models: the open space is opposed to the closed one. An important role in the spatial model carries out the opposition “top-bottom”. The plot of the magic fairy tale connected with an initiation ceremony receives reconsideration in S. K. Danilov’s fairy tale. Having found the sacral knowledge in a “dark-dark” corner under the ladder connecting different spatial levels, having in parallel experienced imaginary death – initiation in the Ragman’s shed, having received sacral knowledge in an underground cave of kigol, the character breaks a spatial impasse and cheerfully runs up, overcoming the hopelessness of the “lost” place.
Keywords: S. K. Danilov, “Princess Agashka”, children’s literature, story-tale, literary regional studies
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 102 — 107
Downloads: 926