DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-2-128-134
The article is published with financial support of RGNF within the scientific project No. 15-14-70005 a (р) “Works of the Siberian writers and the Siberian subject in literature of the XX–XXI century for children and youth”. The article presents the analysis of results of biennial work (2015–2016) of the research staff of the department of literature and methods of teaching of TSPU and the accomplices over the grant issues “Works of the Siberian writers and the Siberian subject in literature of the 20th–21st century for children and youth”, supported by the Russian humanitarian scientific fund and the administration of the Tomsk region. It reveals the relevance of the objectives and the novelty of the research of poetics and the perspective of the Siberian literature for children and youth, the systematization of data, the study of the biography and creative work of the little-known to the reader modern writers of the Siberian region. Describes the results and the prospects of further work on the perspective put by participants of the grant.
Keywords: children’s and youth literature, Siberian writers and poets, literary history, cultural-educational space, poetics
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 128 — 134
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