DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-28-33
The concept of “the social potential of the youth” is seen as a set of interrelated characteristics, reflecting its personal creative social resources that this social group and each individual strives to develop and realize in social practice to translate it in humanistic values and ideals. The social potential of the youth includes the willingness of young people to fulfill social roles and functions, the social and cultural experience of social groups and of each individual, his social competence, the need and readiness for self-realization in social practice, initiative, responsibility, citizenship, moral ideals and values, social subjectivity. Formation of social potential is a function of the institutions of training and education as social entities, as subjects of state-legal construction; it is based on socio-cultural traditions of education, taking into account the social and cultural environment as necessary ethical, moral and spiritual principles, on the involvement of children and young people into social practice; on social control as an integral socialization of the individual. Education is carried out in concrete historical conditions as a result of the existing social relations and ways of life of the society. The main criterion for its implementation and realization is the degree of correspondence of the qualities and properties of a person to life requirements. On the one hand the development of the potential of young people involves the creation of favorable conditions for the development of young people’s capabilities, improving the living conditions and the quality of the social environment, on the other hand – the increase of competitiveness of the potential of the youth throuth development of social sectors of economy. The tool that can solve the problem of the formation of the social potential of the youth is the social pedagogy.
Keywords: social potential, the youth, training, upbringing, personal approach, kinds of activities
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 28 — 33
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