DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-34-38
The result of the modern civil-patriotic education from the point of view of public documents is the civil identity. The article considers the theses in the titles of which the concept “civil identity” occcurs. The purpose of the work is the identification of degree of study of civil identity in the humanities during the period from 1991 to 2016. The discursive method and the method of content analysis as a result of application of which the author made an attempt to develop a technique of the discursive analysis of dissertation researches of civil identity belong to the used methods. The result of the developed technique is the creation of periodization of the development of the concept “civil identity”. The received results can be applied in pedagogical and other researches where application of the discursive method is justified. The author of the article came to the following conclusions: in development of the concept “civil identity” during the period from 1991 to 2016 it is possible to allocate three stages. The first period of 1991–2000 is a stage of the reflection of public consciousness, scientific community concerning the processes happening in society, connected with its crisis, reorganization of consciousness, values, etc. The second period of 2000–2010 is a stage of historical and sociopolitological studying of a concept, understanding of a problem of civil identity of the Russians in the Russian reality; there is a studying of civil identity from the point of view of its crisis in society. The third period of 2010–2016 is a stage for which psychology and pedagogical and philosophical judgment of a concept of civil identity, studying from the point of view of the importance of civil identity is characteristic of the personality, of its self-implementation, and also methods of its forming in different social groups. Civil identity is studied from the point of view of such sciences as sociology, philosophy, political science, pedagogics, history, psychology, to a lesser extent of the last two. Due to the lack of the research system, almost all of them have fragmentary character and are devoted to private questions.
Keywords: discursive analysis, civil identity, content analysis, periodization of development of the concept “civil identity”
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 34 — 38
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