DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-71-76
Russian society is in need of the people that quickly adapt to the changing world, are capable for continuous selfeducation and self-improvement. Therefore, the quality of subjectivity becomes the leitmotif of the educational process at the university. The fullest development of this quality can be the result of reflexive cognitive activity. The article offeres an idea of level representation of cognitive educational activity of the student: operational activity - cognitive activity – reflexive activity – individual activity. It is based on the transition of the subject from one mode of interaction with the text of the cultural reality to another. Reflection is the basis, the means and the result of cognitive activity of the student. One important feature of the construction of the educational process with regard to the level structure is a non-technological approach to it. Educational practice is the practice of creative interaction with the student, which gives rise to his own mechanisms of interaction with the culture of the text. Educational practices let you organize the interaction with the student taking into account his subjective capabilities.
Keywords: personality, educational event, reflection, subject, subjectivity, cognitive activity
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 71 — 76
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