DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-96-99
The article actualizes the problem of using new educational technologies in the process of higher education. Blended learning is shown as one of the mechanisms for the transition from the traditional model of providing training to the new model of “around the learner”, when the positions of the teacher and the student are changed. According to the author’s opinion, the model of blended learning in pedagogical higher school provides the necessary conditions for the student’s personal development as the subject of self-activity and prepares him for the implementation of this teaching model in the educational organization. The article presents the experience of using rotary technology of blended learning “Flipped classroom” in the teaching of pedagogical disciplines. Before coming to a flipped class students study theoretical material and prepare for seminars. Classroom work is devoted to the practical aspects of the theme – solving pedagogical tasks, analyzing educational practices, constructive elements of the educational complex and other kinds of work. After classroom work students independently summarize and systematize the teaching material by performing creative tasks of varying complexity. Interview of 120 respondents – students of five departments of Tomsk State Pedagogical University – allows to establish a holistic adoption of this model by students studying the organization of the course of pedagogy and the positive direction for the development of blended learning as an innovative teaching technology.
Keywords: blended learning, “Flipped classroom”, students’ independent work
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 96 — 99
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