DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-108-111
The paper describes a theoretical study on the introduction of electronic educational resources in the learning process. The article deals with long-term tendencies in the development of world education. A key focus of development prospects is the implementation of new technologies emerging in global educational community. Productive use of interactive technologies is defined by the research model “Cone of learning” on the effectiveness of obtaining knowledge methods by Edgar Dale. The studied aspects of teaching get reflected in the real activity on the basis of the electron-didactic support, in particular, students being in the role of a teacher through the creation of thematic tasks. By way of illustration an open educational resource is demonstrated in order to define the significance of the content created for peer-correction. The teacher acts as the administrator of online groups and provides information support for working with the site. As a result, a step by step guide to the open educational resource application in the educational process is developed. Detailed steps of teachers and students activities on the creation of electron content within the selected Internet resource are given. The results of the study imply the need to expand blended learning knowledge paradigm in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions.
Keywords: blended learning, Internet resources, foreign language learning, interactive technologies
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 108 — 111
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