DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-118-122
The article describes and analyses the Russian educational paradigms in the context of their historical shifts in relation to the objectives, content of education, representatives of major educational concepts and pedagogical technologies. Two historically developed in Russia educational paradigms are considered: traditional and humanistic. Analyzed traditional pedagogical concepts and pedagogical models of contemporary humanistic paradigm of Russian education: student-oriented, competence-based, subjective-personal, personal-oriented network and sense-activity. Presented the goals, objectives, content, benefits and drawbacks of the existing and further developed by the Russian scientists pedagogical concepts of the XX–XXI centuries. Traced and justified the historical transition from traditional to humanistic educational paradigm. The necessity of the consideration and integration of traditional methods and technologies of Russian education that have proven efficiency in the formation of conceptual-cognitive thinking necessary for student-centered development, education and training of the individual is shown. As a result of the the content-historical analysis, the article presents positive aspects and shortcomings of traditional knowledge-centered paradigm and outlines the main difficulties of the implementation of modern humanistic educational paradigm within the framework of existing educational models. The authors came to the conclusion about the necessity of harmonization of technologies, concepts, and assessment of results according to the tenets of the two main (traditional and humanistic) historical Russian educational paradigms.
Keywords: education, educational paradigms, Russian education, pedagogical technologies
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 118 — 122
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