DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-133-139
The article deals with the questions of the modern adaptation to changing conditions of teacher professional learning. Highlights some of the problems of teaching-learning processes, describes the requirements for the development of teaching methods and procedures. Orientation to the practical aspects of the process of teaching students require the use of more sophisticated technologies, methods, and techniques. In accordance with strictly outlined requirements of the modern national economy, the educational system must prepare a graduate capable of future continuous self-improvement. The market accepts only capble of self-education personalities. The greatest difficulties are encountered precisely when overcoming contradictions between technology (techniques) training at various levels of the current educational system. Modernity acknowledges some threshold contact of University and educational institutions, preparing future entrants. In these circumstances, there are special requirements for preparation of future teachers of technology. Identifying the market path to combat hidden content, they implement comprehensive learning objectives. The preparation of a competitive specialist in Russia includes the professional competence of teachers, which is associated with the changing priorities of the learning process of the components of knowledge and methods of reproductive education, characteristic of an authoritarian educational model, a personaloriented, developing, cognitive-focal focus based on the principles of humanization and democratization. Such approach allows to introduce the elements of individual training, successfully building the routes for student-centered learning. Further improvement of the educational process involves qualitative development of practice-oriented aspects of the pedagogical technologies.
Keywords: technology, structure building, educational field, didactic tools, labor product
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 133 — 139
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