DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-83-86
Substantiates the concepts of “working skills”, “values”, “value orientation to working professions”, “development of students’ value orientation to working professions”, “principles of development of studentes’ value orientation to working professions”. The focus is that the study of the principles of development of value orientation of students to the working profession is necessary for the design, implementation in practice of educational institutions educational programs and have an influence on its development in the initial general, basic general and secondary general education. In this case, the educational programs include basic educational programs of general education; working programs of subjects, courses, including courses, extracurricular activities; the program of spiritually-moral development, education trained while receiving the initial general education; the program of education and socialization of students in obtaining the basic general education; the program of education, socialization and vocational guidance of students in obtaining secondary education. It is important to understand and take into account the causal relationships, which are composed between the realization of the pedagogical impact on students and results, evidenced in the development of valuable orientations of workers to the profession. Therefore, in this article, we will determine principles and knowledge which will make the studying process manageable. Describe the principles of development of value orientation of school students to working professions that are formulated for the students of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.
Keywords: students, general education, working profession, values, attitude, value orientation, development, principles
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 83 — 86
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