DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-95-98
New documents in the education sector set new conditions for the formation of successful graduates of vocational education. The aim of educational institutions is not only the formation of basic professional competence, but also more conducive to personal and professional development of graduates. The introduction of an additional education program in the direction of graphic design will form artistic and design competence of students of specialty «Programming in computer systems», «On the digital information processing Master». Integrating program of supplementary education in graphic design and the basic program of the specialty, the college graduate is expanding a range of areas of professional activity. The article discusses the relevance of the development of art and design competence of students as the need to prepare for the competitions, championships of different levels in the field of graphic design. The authors reveal the concept of art and design competence of college students, additional components of the education program and its focus. The structure of the supplementary education program in the direction of graphic design is disclosed. The interrelation between the sections of the program being studied and the social practice of students is shown. Describes the expected results of students which this program is aimed at.
Keywords: competence, art and design competency, graphic design
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 95 — 98
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