DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-99-104
In this article we are discussing the issue of teacher training for vocational education system – a professional field that under present-day conditions is not limited to educational institutions. In the context of networking cooperation, employersponsored education and dual vocational training system, a person who trains future specialists to implement various types of professional activities can act as a career educator. Responsibilities of such an educator are, among others, to manage the process of an individual student’s professional development, to encourage their self-identification during the training and within their professional field, to help them find their own individual learning paths. Competencies required to perform such tasks cannot be formulated neither within the chosen field’s subject content, nor within a traditional pedagogical program. In present conditions we also see that the focus of a career educator’s job is shifting. In the traditional sense the job of an educator is focused on the learning process, with special attention paid to determining patterns in this process. The job of a career educator, however, is closely connected with types of professional activities for which students prepare during the course of non-university level higher education, vocational training, or supplementary vocational education. The specifics of this job determine the distinctive criteria needed when selecting content for career educator training programs. Consequently, established principles of creating the contents for “Vocational education (for different fields)” programs should be augmented with principles that reflect the specific content of educational activities. These principles must be carried out for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The principles for developing an educational program that we propose in this article are instrumental in selecting the content for a career educator training program, they reflect the specifics of the job, and they also take into account the challenges that educators face on the current stage of vocational training system development.
Keywords: non-university level higher education, vocational training, career educator, principles of creating the contents for career educator training programs
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 99 — 104
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