DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-122-126
Study of blended learning usage in modern research works wins increasing popularity and becomes highly topical in conditions of innovational trend of education system. Because of the innovative process taking place in the higher education one has to apply modern pedagogical ways and new technologies. The interconnection between students and teachers via information and communication technologies is the part of this process. But at the moment, some components which are actually forming blended learning of students are not always incorporated in integral system and are considered as a list of independent constituents. As a result electronic learning resources for many members of faculty and higher school administration are only auxiliary tools but not fully functional part of students’ learning process. Beyond the doubt influencing the structure of learning process the digital technologies are not able to change it. They only can significantly enhance and optimize conditions of higher education obtaining, and also promote effective students’ individual work, improve procedure of teacher-student interaction, provide positive trends for formation mutual competency capabilities of teachers and students. The goal of this paper is to define the place and role of electronic learning resources in students’ blended learning system, and also clarification of terminology issues and problem of traditional and electronic interaction methods of teacher and student in higher education. The paper considers distinguishing features of online electronic and blended education in the higher school. Analysis is carried out for numerous sociological studies held in Russia and abroad on issues of electronic technologies introduction in modern education.
Keywords: higher education, university, blended learning system, hybrid learning, mixed-mode instruction, elearning resources, statistics, information and communication technology in education, information educational system
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 122 — 126
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