DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-147-150
The article describes some results of a research on the techniques of teaching the discipline «Methodology and information technologies of project management» to the students of the field «Applied Informatics». This work develops the statements of works [1–3]. The present article generalizes authors’ teaching experience and demonstrates some working practice. The research on educational process shows the necessity of subject field extension to provide future graduates with related theoretical and practical knowledge that will enlarge their professional skills and thus will forward them to be more successful and competitive in work. Thus, the aim of the study is to improve the existing disciplines’ programs to build a branched system of teaching and learning materials that will meet the requirements of contemporary educational process. In this article some questions of teaching techniques the discipline «Methodology and information technologies of project management» are considered. Some elements of electronic courses are presented, as far as the system of evaluation of educational achievements is described. Microsoft Project that is studied among existing management systems was chosen to demonstrate some evaluation tests and education material. The Moodle platform served as basis for summing up and testing of created techniques. Further goals on educational system development are also argued. It is planned to continue the development of electronic courses intended for supporting independent student work while studying the disciplines. The question of remote professor’s guidance is also mentioned.
Keywords: competence building approach, field of professional activity, MS Project, project management, design approach
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 147 — 150
Downloads: 850