DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-156-159
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of studying of pedagogical conditions of adaptation of children in institutions of additional education, which allowed us to determine the key concepts of the study: «additional education», «organization of additional education», «structure adaptation», «conditions», «pedagogical conditions». Identified the relevance and importance of additional education in the adaptation of children of preschool age. Disclosed components of the adaptation of children of this age: personal (self-esteem, confidence, emotional well-being), communication (ability to listen, to empathize, to assess themselves and others, to work in a group of peers, to communicate with seniors, to help others, to explain and prove their own opinion, activity (motivation, activity, curiosity), cognitive (basic beliefs about themselves, about other people and the world, elementary grammar, elementary mathematical representations) components. Justified pedagogical conditions of adaptation of preschool children in the organizations of additional education (the creation of the developing environment: spatial, educational, developmental, subjective; the organization of pedagogical support of adaptation of children, involving the implementation of phases: diagnostic, search, advisory-projective, active, reflective stages; interaction of subjects of education, defined as a joint activity of specialists, teachers, parents, aimed at enabling the child to the environment of supplementary education organizations; individual and differentiated approach to children, determining individual help to each child, taking into account his features and abilities in different situations in the learning process, as well as work in the group of children in which through the selection of content, forms, methods, rates and norms of education are optimal conditions for studying of each child).
Keywords: pedagogical conditions, preschool children, supplementary education, institutions of supplementary education, adaptation
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 156 — 159
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