DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-160-163
The article dwells on the essence of the problem of the pedagogical activity formationin in the preparation of students in the pedagogical institution. The most essential factor of the pedagogical activity formation is educational events. The influence is defined as the process, and the mechanisms of influence as its device, structural characteristics and conditions of its realization. The following mechanisms of influence of educational events were singled out: spatio-temporal, informative, and procedural. Characteristics of the mechanisms of influence were also presented. A spatio-temporal mechanism of influence gives an “alive” spatio-temporal continuum in which an educational event takes place. An informative mechanism of influence of educational events consists in changing the idea of pedagogical institution students about the subjectivity of pedagogical activity, production of value-semantic relationship, discovery of a pedagogical activity personal sense. The procedural mechanism presupposes the ways to realize the influence of educational events. Educational designing and personal student’s operation in mutual activity are presented as means. The basic condition of educational events’ influence on the pedagogical activity formation – involving students of the pedagogical institution into educational events – is singled out. Qualitative changes in students’ preparation are considered as the basic results of the mechanisms of the influence of educational events on the formation of pedagogical activity: disclosing personal senses of pedagogical activity and personal experience of the student in joint activities.
Keywords: pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity formation, educational event, influence, mechanisms of influence
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 160 — 163
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