DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-9-15
The aim of the publication is a research of the merchant class staff of the Steppe region cities, the dynamics of the number of merchants in the guilds both in the whole of North-East Kazakhstan, and in certain cities of the region in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. The main research sources are the documents of the Central state archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State archive of Omsk Region. The author of the article studied the demographic development and the number of entrepreneurs of the Steppe region cities in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. A comprehensive comparative analysis has been done to identify the causes of quantitative changes of merchants and certain categories of the population in the major cities of the Steppe region as Petropavlovsk, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Pavlodar. Despite the difficulties in working with statistics and contradictions in it, the author reveals the quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the merchant class, as well as general trends in the formation of regional dealers and traces the emergence of the local merchant class in the cities and regions of the Steppe region. These statistics can be used in scientific research, the search of materials for scientific articles related to the demographic development of the merchant class not only in the north-eastern Kazakhstan but also in the history of Russian business, which are included in the process of building a modern management of sector model of the economy and the formation of infrastructure of the given territories, developing the region’s development strategy. The results of this study make it possible to introduce adjustments to some other research, and thus to increase the accuracy of the scientific data in the study of demographic processes in the major cities of the Steppe regions in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries.
Keywords: Steppe, merchants, Guild, cities, transit trade, capital, certificate
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 9 — 15
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