DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-16-21
The article demonstrates the positive dynamics of mutual influence of Russian-Tajik bilateral relations. One of the main elements is multilateral interference in the sphere of education. Educational, scientific and human relations have their deep origin, they are based on our nations’ customs and experience. The historical preconditions for the development of partnerships in the sphere of education in Russia and Tajikistan are considered, as well as the main content of the reforms in the educational sphere throughout 1867-1917. As a result the partner relations between nations are formed. Taking into account as an objective of the education the preparation of the person to the social life, it can be assumed that it will give us a new impulse in further implementation of other aspects of cooperation (economic, political, military, etc. Considers the question of the transition of the education system from purely religious in the middle of the 19th century (which was mainly represented by such educational institutions as mektebas - primary schools, madrasahs - secondary and higher educational institutions, which were supported by public donations) to schools various in content, forms and methods of instruction (Russian, Russian native, new method’s, etc.), gymnasiums, various vocational schools and other educational institutions after the entry of Central Asia into the Russian Empire. Determines the role of the Russian language on the territory of Turkestan. The Ministry of national education suggested joining the nations as a result of spreading the Russian language. Demonstrates the interaction and interpenetration of the Russian and Tajik languages, as a result of joint work and residence.
Keywords: education, religious and secular schools, Russian native schools, trade schools, new methodological schools
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 16 — 21
Downloads: 975