DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-27-33
The article examines teacher intellectuals of the Yenisei province in the XIX-XX centuries. The objective is to identify the population dynamics, social and right position, educational level, moral-ethical motivation of professional activities, cultural interests and political mood. The author states that the number of teachers in the province from 1897 to 1915 increased by 1.5 times, amounting in 1916 1148 man. The predominant age group was young people under 30, whose professional experience was less than 5 years. By 1915 74,6 % of teachers had primary and secondary special education. The vast majority of teachers came from the lower classes: petty bourgeois, peasants, Cossacks, village priests. The salary of rural teachers was slightly above the earnings of the wage worker in industry and ranged from 50 to 620 roubles a year. Higher social status had the teachers of the middle schools. Their salary 2-3,5 times was higher than that of the primary school teachers. In their cultural and educational practices teachers tried to adhere to the traditions of folk culture, which retained a strong religious colouring. The author claims that the the teachers, being the most massive professional group of provincial intellectuals, played a leading role in translating the achievements of cultural modernity into the mass consciousness of the Siberian society.
Keywords: teacher intellectuals, socio-professional group, social and legal status, professional organizations, cultural modern
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 27 — 33
Downloads: 946