DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-42-48
The article discusses the problems of the development of one of the essential objects of the urban environment of Tomsk at the beginning of the 20th century - bathhouse facilities. This topic has not been the subject of special scientific research yet. Bath as an urban infrastructure element was a popular public institution where people could perform not only hygiene, but also relax, spend free time, communicate with other people. Analyses the existing сentral and local legislation regarding the construction and maintenance of the municipal baths, rules of their functioning in accordance with sanitary requirements, describes the real sanitary condition of the Tomsk baths and its causes. Provides the characteristics of public, room and family baths, their similarities and differences in the quantity and quality of services provided. It is concluded that there is insufficient number of baths to meet the basic needs of residents in maintaining personal hygiene. Shows the role of the urban sanitary commissions in the implementation of sanitary monitoring of bathing establishments, maintenance of cleanliness and disinfection in them. Attention is focused on such problems of Tomsk bath economy, as lacking of sewerage, water supply (up to 1905-1908), poor ventilation device, closets and pits for water drainage, irregular disinfection, presence of parasites (lice, worms) and high probability of contracting infectious, skin, venereal and other diseases.
Keywords: Tomsk, bath economy, commercial (public) baths, bathhouse license, city environment, sanitary and hygienic condition
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 42 — 48
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