DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-65-71
The article deals with one aspect of the organization of children’s lives in the Great Patriotic War - summer health campaigns. Despite the hard times, the lack of finance, the Soviet state during the war managed to organize summer recreation for children. The subject of the study of this article is the scale of summer health campaigns in West Siberian region in the years of the war, the difficulties in its organization. The article analyzes the changes in the country’s life because of the beginning of the war, considers the number of evacuees among adults and children in the West Siberian region. Particular attention is paid to the study of the organizational activities of the state, the party and Komsomol organizations and the public in addressing the problem of rehabilitation of children during the war. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the children’s summer recreational facilities before the Great Patriotic War, during the war, on the areas of the West Siberian region. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the lack of finance, the concentration of attention on the leadership of the country addressing the organization of military production, providing the necessary military, development and conduct of military operations, yet found time and resources to address social issues in the rear area. Children were not forgotten and neglected. People’s Commissariat of Health constantly held monitoring of the health of children in schools and child care centers. As soon as it became apparent that the significant deterioration of children health had taken place, they sounded the alarm. The problem was discussed at a national level, at the same level binding decisions were made. Currently criticized centralized government system enabled to organize summer health campaigns rapidly and ubiquitously. It also helped to maintain the health impaired children, giving them a chance for life.
Keywords: children, the Great Patriotic War, children’s health improvement, children’s summer vocation, summer camps, Pioneer camps, children’s health camps, children’s playgrounds
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 65 — 71
Downloads: 990