DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-72-77
The availability of historical sources is the basis that significantly increases the objectivity of the study. Such historical documents are significant when studying political parties within the framework of modern Russian history, in order to avoid excessive politicization of judgments. Studying of history of creation and functioning of «parties in power» is directly connected with involvement in scientific turnover of regulations, data of archival funds, periodicals, propaganda materials and others. It allows to expand the range of information on this problem, creates conditions for carrying out the system analysis of activities of data of the organizations in the specific region. Analyzing conditions of the source base of work, it is necessary to state that insufficient representation in archival funds of the documents which are handed over by political parties and the politized movements became the main problem of the use of sources. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to note that this lack was met by the complex use of other groups of sources, at the same time the basis of source base owing to specifics of an object and an object of research was constituted by periodicals materials. In general the provided source base is sufficient for the solution of effective objectives and tasks both in quantitative sense, and in high-quality representativeness of the provided materials.
Keywords: party in power, historical sources, documents of political parties, periodicals, memoirs literature, reference media
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 72 — 77
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