DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-78-82
The article presents the thesis of the relevance and necessity of studying the heritage of local lore historians of the Omsk region, publishing their works in the periodical press of the Omsk region. Systematization and generalization of local history works would fill the existing missing «event» as the facts of previous centuries, and historical transformations of 1945-1991-ies. The history of the Omsk Region (in districts and localities) only remains to be written by experts. The article has been prepared based on the collected primary materials and can be considered within the existing problem as material for discussion. The data on all 32 regional centers of the Omsk region is collected. Represents a number of selected works of more than 300 publications, with an average of 30 publications, telling about the history of each region. The article is devoted to the history of villages and human settlements, economic and social transformations that took place during the entire period of the existence of these places. It presents an overview of selective number works of the most active local historians working in regional centers and is marked by a single methodological approach. The conclusion is made about the need to continue the work on the accumulation, systematization and compilation of information on the history of the Omsk region, published in local printed issues of the Omsk region. The collected works will serve as a base for general historical work, including the preparation of the reference book «Local historians of the Omsk region».
Keywords: local lore studies, Regional Studies, history of small towns, villages, hamlets, Omsk region, regional periodicals, 1945–1991
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 78 — 82
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