DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-44-48
Health is the main value of modern society. The priority scientific direction of the third Millennium is the development in the medical sphere to find some ways to increase the average duration of human life. The significance of health problem is due to the need to develop the effective methods of fighting the diseases against which ones the medicine is powerless. The relevance of the topic choice is due to the unflagging interest in the discourse studies in modern linguistics as well as the role of British medicine in the world and the British health system. One of the leading countries in the field of medicine is Britain, whose health system is remarkable for its flexibility and equal treatment of all patients regardless of their nationality and social class. The research object of this article is the English medical discourse, the subject of the study is its genre differentiation. In modern native and foreign linguistics there are a various approaches to understanding of the term “discourse”. The English medical discourse belongs to the institutional discourses. The list of institutional discourses is quite extensive: political, diplomatic, administrative, legal, military, pedagogical, religious, mystical, medical, business, advertising, the discourse of Fashion, post, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, perfumery, gastronomic and others. The article considers the English medical discourse which represents the interaction of medical discourse proper, scientific and advertising medical, media discourse, legislative (legal), commercial, and academic discourses in the sphere of medicine. The leading role here belongs to the medical discourse proper. The medical discourse is characterized by the polyphonic inclusion of historical, encyclopedic, social and pharmaceutical discourses. The complex nature of the English medical discourse has generated a variety of genre forms.
Keywords: medicine, health, discourse, medical discourse, speech genre
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 44 — 48
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