DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-49-55
The article deals with the questions of typology and analysis of electronic fiction text program algorithms. The author pays special attention to the description of the algorithmic principles of generating poetic texts, based on strophic organization, poetic size, algorithmic syntax, and matrix of phrases. The electronic algorithmic generators and generative poems on their basis are the first types of electronic fiction. The novelty of the research is seen in the attempt to understand the program algorithms to generate a literary text not only as a method of text creation, but also as a substantive artistic expression, where the code is regarded as a meaning that needs no verbal accompaniment. The electronic literary text is a complex polycode art object which unites text, image, sound, graphics and animation elements with sense-making functions in its structure. The research urgency is caused by the complex analytic model for generative fictional texts of different types (algorithmic and code). The article gives an overview of generative poetic texts, represented by the works by M. Benabou, P. Braffort and J. Z. Piwkowski. The author presents the classification of electronic poetic texts, divides them into two types: permutational (using rearrangement of elements for the new text generated poems) and combinatorics (using syntactical templates and matrix of phrases). The combinatorics electronic generative poems have rigid grammar structure that optimizes the parameters of generated poetic texts. All permutational electronic generative poems are very close to the tradition and theoretical issues of QULIPO restrictions in the sphere of language and art.
Keywords: generative poetry, algorithm, algorithmic syntax, interactivity, aleatoric, interface
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 49 — 55
Downloads: 1160