DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-61-65
The article examines the role of explication of the evaluating attitude in the „star” interview. The evaluation category is an integral part of the linguistic view of the world. A man’s relation to the world and other people is the relation of active interaction with the world around and purposeful transformation of the world according to his values. The intentional features of “star” interview aimed at maximum disclosure of the interlocutor’s personality, as well as at the identification of his value conceptions are described in the work. The evaluation of the agent’s life experience and his social status form the basis for choosing value orientations – ideological, aesthetic, moral grounds for evaluating the world around. Therefore, it could be argued that the evaluation expresses the objective and subjective relation of the agent of speech to the designated one. The characteristic of structure and components of evaluation is given. The emotionalevaluative state of the agent requires special linguistic forms of his objectification. Examples of language verbalization of the evaluation in the “star” interview are given. The choice of the means depends on speaker’s interpretation of this or that fact and his evaluation of this or that object’s act. The research has shown that the modern language has a variety of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, phraseological means for adequate expression of the emotionally-valued relations to the agent of the utterance. As a rule, there is a close interaction of linguistic means of various levels.
Keywords: “star” interview, evaluation, structure of evaluation, components of evaluation, the emotionalevaluative replies, language verbalization of the evaluation
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 61 — 65
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