DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-66-70
The article based on the material of the German language deals with the meaning of the lexeme “Arbeit”. Material for the study was provided by various monolingual dictionaries of German. The problem of studying of the basic lexemes of the concept “Arbeit” was studied by the author during the dissertation research on the material of proverbs of unrelated languages. In this research a comprehensive study of the basic lexeme “Arbeit” was carried out within the framework of the description of the linguocultural concept “work”. The study was conducted in accordance with the meanings of the word “Arbeit” which are represented in the dictionary entries in the form of synonymic series for each component of the words under analysis. Certain symbols verbalize the meaning “work as a profession, position” are grouped thematically and marked by territorial identity. The derivational structure of these lexemes was determined as well as frequency of their manufacturing bases of the derivatives. The semantics of the components of compound words was analyzed. The author identifies the usage labels reflecting the connotative coloring of the lexemes verbalizing the meaning of the word “Arbeit”. For more results the analysis involves data from synonymous and etymological dictionaries. The results of the study can be used in practical classes, in the seminars in lexicology of the German language.
Keywords: lexeme, meaning, concept, synonymic row, component, nomination, lexical-semantic group
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 66 — 70
Downloads: 947