DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-71-75
The phraseological meaning is a specific semantic category, characterized by an integral transference of meaning based fully or partially on the meanings of the components of the unit. This results in its complex structure which is of special scientific interest. The article focuses on the components of the phraseological meaning, states their specific features and correlation and offers the methodology of semantic analysis. It is a multistep process that considers all the constituents of the phraseological meaning: motivation, imagery component, inner form, denotative component, connotation and cultural component (studied by A. V. Kunin, V. N. Teliya, N. F. Alefirenko and others). The inner form reveals the way the phraseological meaning is formed and creates phraseological imagery. Motivation is a means of expressing the inner form. Metaphorical, metonymical or metaphtonymical transference of meaning forms the inner form of the unit. Phraseological semantics includes the grammatical meaning and the phraseological meaning proper. We single out several structural models of the latter, based on a number of combinations of the denotative macrocomponent (its identifying and characterizing parts) and stylistic, intensive, emotional and/or evaluative components of connotation. The cultural component can be a part of either denotation or connotation or both. The results can be applied in studying semantic peculiarities of different groups of phraseological units, with reference to their national specificity.
Keywords: semantics, phraseological unit, phraseological meaning, motivation, imagery component, inner from, connotation
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 71 — 75
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