DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-80-84
The present article dwells on the possibilities of the extension of the precedent phenomena vocabulary by means of the use of word formation resources. The article presents four ways of word formation on the base of precedent names: deonymic stem composition, deonymic conversion, deonymic overlapping and deonymic derivation. A particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of deonymic derivation – a way of formation of the appellatives on the base of precedent names by means of affixation. The result of deonymic derivation is a formation of new lexical items, which possess the precedent status. Among them several word classes can be distinguished specifically nouns, adjectives and verbs. Each of these classes retains the set of qualities and peculiarities rooted in precedent names. Typical suffixes used in the formation of new nouns are e.g. (er)ei, isierung and ung. In the sphere of adjectives following suffixes can be used: ig, isch, weise. New verbs can be formed with the suffixes en, eln, (is)ieren and so on. Deonymic derivation is a very creative word formation method. The new precedent deonymic constructs are as a rule resources of the expressive language and therefore they are often used in media discourse and in the speech of politicians. They keep the shades of meaning and semes rooted in the original precedent names and subsequently form a new group of precedent phenomena.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, precedence, theory of precedence, precedent name, word formation, deonymic derivation
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 80 — 84
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