DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-100-106
The paper studies the composition of aspect forms of the verb in Nizhnekolymskiy dialect, which does not have a systematic description and and refers to the western dialect of the Even language according to preliminary data. The types of the verb expressing the nature of action, according to the semantic and grammatical characteristics, are differentiated into six aspect groups. Formation and use of type categories and methods of verbal actions in Nizhnekolymsky dialect are revealed with some features, unlike the eastern dialects of the Even language. The composition and use of categories of the verbal species has similar features to the western dialects of the Even language. However, distinct differences are in the formation of the type of imitation of action in the dialect in question. The absence of some forms of multiplicity of actions aspectuality groups, the direction of action and the intensity of action is revealed in the analysis of the functioning of species of verb forms in Nizhnekolymsky dialect. The usage of not previously mentioned in the grammatical descriptions of the four aspect forms in groups of multiplicity of action and intensity of action is fixed. The material for this article served the field data collected during field expeditions in the Lower Kolyma region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2013–2015.
Keywords: the Even language, Nizhnekolymsky dialect, aspect form of the verb, aspectual group phase of action, multiplicity of action, action areas, action intensity, desiderative action simulation action
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 100 — 106
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