DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-107-111
The paper analyses figurative expressions with the denomination “bread” in the French and Russian languages. Figurative expressions of a language serve as an important source for getting information about national world perception because they reflect the spiritual and material culture in the language. The choice for figurative expressions with the components representing food is explained by the fact that food is one of the most vivid elements of national culture which is connected with the native speakers’ understanding of their national specificity. Although the French and Russian cuisines have distinctive features, four products are archetypically significant for both cultures: bread, butter, milk and honey. Their denominations in both languages are very widely represented in figurative expressions. The image of bread is the most significant one in the French and Russian cultures; figurative expressions with this component in both languages are based on the archetype of bread as the symbol of life, well-being and wealth. We believe that for assessing the potential of a figurative expression of a language it is necessary to combine the linguoculturological analysis with the analysis of discursive realization of a studied linguistic unit in different types of discourse. Thus the French figural expression “avoir du pain sur la planche” was analyzed both linguoculturologically and discursively in three meanings. The results have shown that this expression is widely used in different types of modern discourse only in one of its meanings. The results prove that discursive realization is the key element for studying figurative expressions and it should become the key component for complex investigation of the figurative layer of a language.
Keywords: figurative layer of a language, figurative expressions, phraseological fund of a language, food denominations, the French cuisine, the Russian cuisine, linguoculturological analysis, discursive realization analysis, the Russian language, the French langua
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 107 — 111
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