DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-117-122
The article gives the results of comparison of illocutionary speech acts in sports commentaries in the USA and Russia under linguocultural paradigm. Sports commentary has made the system of its genres complicated over years. Description of discursive personality in the framework of sports commentary requires knowledge of basic speech genres and speech acts. We can see the tendency of individualization in sports commentary because it incorporates certain emotionally-estimated units (lexical and grammatical). Thus the analysis of speech genres specificity in sport commentary is of particular interest to scholars. Speech genres structure the communicative space of native speakers. Sports commentators, as bearers of different languages and cultures prefer different speech genres. Study of this specificity is of the interest of both foreign and domestic linguists. This is the first comparative analysis of the system of speech genres of sports commentators, as bearers of different cultures. That determines the scientific novelty of this study. Sports commentaries in artistic gymnastics (Russian and English) are the material of this study. We paid particular attention to the analysis of system of illocutionary speech acts using discourse analysis. The article describes the results of the analysis of illocutionary speech acts in sports commentary that determines the nature of functioning of the language personality.
Keywords: speech genre, speech genres specificity, system of speech genres, illocutionary speech acts, sports commentary
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 117 — 122
Downloads: 1052