DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-135-140
The article deals with the questions how to develop students’ motivation to learn foreign languages. Its main purpose is to find the most appropriate and effective ways out. The paper presents the analytical review of research on the problems concerning building and development of educational motivation, describes its types and highlights varieties that are specific to foreign language learning. Particular attention is paid to the close relationship between “feedback” and the level of students’ subject motivation development. The article presents the results of the survey conducted among students and graduates from Novosibirsk universities. The survey participants were asked to point out the most encouraging and disappointing moments they experienced while getting feedback related to results of their work, and describe their emotions. Respondents’ replies were based on their own experience of communication with the teaching staff of the educational institution, and proved the idea, that the feedback given in the foreign language classroom environment greatly affected students’ level of motivation. Moreover, the article defines the functions of “feedback”, characterizes its subtypes, that are commonly used in foreign language teaching and include implicit feedback, explicit and metalinguistic correction. The paper offers examples how to use them effectively while teaching foreign languages. Finally, it determines the level of feedback influence produced on the subject motivation development.
Keywords: feedback, educational motivation, foreign language learning, learner, teacher of foreign languages
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 135 — 140
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