DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-141-147
The article is devoted to the description and opportunities of application of training technologies in the process of intercultural foreign-language education and mentoring of students – linguists. The article presents an analysis of the method of intercultural learning, describes the main components of training and specifics of their application in the field of intercultural foreign-language education and mentoring. The method of intercultural training is one of the most effective tools of development of the intercultural competence of students in the western countries, especially in Germany. In some Russian higher education institutes there is a discipline “The theory and practice of intercultural communication” in the plan of study of students-linguists. But in the most of these institutes a goal of this discipline is studying of the basic theoretical postulates of intercultural communication. In the West, particularly in Germany, studying of the intercultural communication’s theory is carried out on an equal basis with capture of practical components of intercultural education and mentoring, providing development of intercultural skills. The practical aspect of intercultural education and mentoring can also be widely adopted in Russia, mainly within educational process of future specialists in the field of linguistics and translation. The method of training is considered as the element of practical intercultural education and mentoring. It allows applying and fulfilling the studied theoretical bases of the discipline “Theory and practice of intercultural communication”. Thereby this method could provide an effective development of intercultural foreign-language skills of students of the linguistic fields of study.
Keywords: intercultural training, intercultural education and mentoring, intercultural foreign-language skills, intercultural competence, students-linguists
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 141 — 147
Downloads: 1128